Wednesday 16 May 2012

Travel to South American - Argentina

 A place I've never been, but I've heard so much about. Also a country in the southern hemisphere, meaning winter is during the months of June - August, opposite winter season as the northern hemisphere. The Andes mountain range runs along the western boarder of Argentina, and meeting with the eastern boarder of Chile. The highest of these mountains is 22,834 ft and usually has a ton of snow. This isn't the typical summer park riding place, people go there to ride pow and heli-board, although there is a camp offered by SGT where coaches and all amenities are provided. SASS Global Travel is where my friends participated in their Argentinian adventures and where these photos were taken that they have so generously lent me for your visual pleasures.
 Aside from the snowboarding, Argentina has a lot to offer, from it's ethnic mix of music, art, architecture and food, it is always important to take advantage of a foreign country's food. The capital city of Buenos Aires is a good place to start, and it is said that they are famous for their cow meet barbaq (asado) and dulce de leche as well as Tango music.

This is Darrah, my boarder friend

Chicks who ride sticks, left to right: Nicki Slechta, (blank), Natalie Gough, (blank), Darrah Reid-McLean

Photos: Darrah Reid-McLean and Natalie Gough, Thanks :)

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